Lifejacket servicing with 25 years of experience

Mon-Sat: 07:00 - 17:00

24h Emergency Service

Call Today 0427 466 677

Tasmania-wide servicing

New depots for LJS


Life Jacket Servicing Tasmania is a PFD safety specialist. We have drop off depots up and down the Tasmanian Coast, from Strahan to Hobart and everywhere in between. We service inflatable lifejackets, and Dan Buoys, and are a Registered Servicing Agent with Marine and Safety Tasmania. Our focus is on providing a convenient, cost-effective and dependable lifejacket servicing centre to the boating community, as well as spreading the word about proper lifejacket maintenance to the wider public. Lifejackets save lives, and regular servicing will ensure all parts are in good working order in the event of an emergency.

Lifejacket Servicing Tasmania has recently had the opportunity to develop several new depots in the southern region in collaboration with several well known chandlers. This gives you the convenience as well as peace of mind that your lifejackets will be serviced quickly with no fuss.

These are:

Active Marine, 31 McIntyre St, Mornington

Lewis Marine, Kennedy Drive, Cambridge

Oyster Cove Chandlery, Oyster Cove Marina, Kettering

Peter Johnston Ships Chandlers, Morrison St, Hobart

• Franklin Marine, Huon Hwy, Franklin

We have placed plastic bins with LJS labels inside the business premises. All you have to do is call in to the chandlers, fill in one of the order forms inside the bin and then place your lifejacket and order form back into the bin.

We take it from there.

For further information please either email us at or phone us on 0450 649 434.

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